Surgical Treatment Option – Soft-Tissue Graft

Surgical Treatment Option – Soft-Tissue Graft

If you have gum disease, your gums are going to recede. It will make your teeth appear to be longer and the roots of your teeth will become exposed. Besides making you look older, it also means your tooth roots will soon develop cavities. A soft-tissue graft can...
What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Everyone wants a beautiful white smile. Unfortunately, many of us need a little help a long the way to reach our perfect smile goals. If you were born with perfectly straight teeth that fit comfortably in your mouth, that is what everyone else is trying to achieve. If...
Is Cosmetic Dentistry Covered by Insurance

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Covered by Insurance

Cosmetic dentistry is increasingly becoming popular in the United States and around the world. People choose cosmetic surgery to correct issues, create a beautiful smile, replace decayed teeth and more. Cosmetic dentistry procedures are affordable for most people....